Symptoms and treatments for hernia explained

A hernia occurs when a part around your abdomen or groin bulges out through a weak opening in the muscle. There are different types of hernia, like the Vernal hernia, which covers the abdomen and the Inguinal or Groin hernia. This condition can occur gradually with age or due to the regular wear and tear of your muscles. Any birth disorder or injury can also cause its development. Know more about the procedure from a surgeon specialising in
laparoscopic hernia surgery in Kolkata

How to identify a hernia? 

It is essential to understand that both men and women can develop a hernia. However, the risk is higher in men than women. The symptoms of hernia include:

For Men

  • A bulge in the abdomen area is the most common symptom of hernia. 

  • Pain in the abdomen or groin.

  • A sudden pulling sensation of the scrotum around the testicles

  • Feeling immense pain around the area while performing activities like lifting heavy weights, pushing or straining. 

For Women

  • A sharp pain in the abdominal area.

  • Burning sensations. 

  • Increasing discomfort while performing physical activities.

Treatments for hernia: 

Most hernia cases are treated with surgery when the condition gets worse. The surgeries that help in the treatment of hernia are discussed below. 

A laparoscopic hernia surgery specialist in Kolkata conducts laparoscopic surgery to remove a hernia using a long and thin tube with a camera attached to examine the site. This procedure has various benefits in comparison to open hernia surgery. For instance, it helps eliminate the risk of infection and reduces discomfort, the incision size is smaller, allowing faster recovery. Moreover, multiple hernias can be treated with the same incision.  

Hernias are common, but there can be some complications that can only be addressed through surgery. Understanding the symptoms of hernia helps one to keep a check on their health and seek early medical intervention. Hence, if you suspect the mentioned symptoms, consult a surgeon specialising in laparoscopic hernia surgery in Kolkata for proper treatment and care.

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