Tips for faster recovery after gallbladder operation



A surgery, whether it is a laparoscopic cholecystectomy or an open, requires proper care and attention during the healing process. From managing pain and following a suitable diet to gradually resuming your daily activities, following everything is crucial for a faster recovery after gallbladder surgery. 

In this blog, a gallbladder surgeon in Kolkata suggests post-procedure tips to speed up your recovery experience and get back to feeling your best in no time.

Ways for faster and quicker recovery after gallbladder operation: 

Here are the tips suggested by a gallbladder surgeon, which you can follow for a faster recovery. 

  • Get plenty of rest: During the first week of recovery, your body needs time to heal, so it is important to relax for some time. This means sleeping for at least 8 hours each night and taking naps during the day if you need to. 
  • Take your pain medication as prescribed: You might feel a little discomfort during the initial days. Your doctor will prescribe you pain medication that will reduce your pain and help you to feel comfortable.
  • Wound care: Keep your incisions clean and dry. Follow your surgeon's instructions on when it's safe to shower and how to care for the incisions.
  • Dietary considerations: It is recommended by a gallbladder laparoscopic surgeon in Kolkata to start with a diet that is low in fat and high in fibre. Avoid greasy and spicy foods during the initial days. Also, drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated and prevent constipation. Instead of eating large meals, opt for smaller and more frequent meals to avoid indigestion.
  • Slowly increase your activity: Gradually start your physical activities such as short walks, jogging or medication. But avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercises until your doctor approves. 
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing: Wear loose and comfortable clothes that won't rub against or irritate your incision sites. Moreover, it will prevent any pressure on your incision.

It is important to follow a gallbladder surgeon near you carefully after the surgery. Most people make a full recovery within a few weeks. However, if you have any concerns, be sure to talk to your doctor.

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