The Best Oncologist Managed My Appendix Cancer Recurrence

I am a full time software engineer and a mother in Bangalore. I was diagnosed with appendiceal cancer at a local hospital in 2019. Further testing revealed that cancer had spread. After carefully weighing my options, I received treatment as part of a clinical trial. But eight months after treatment ended, the cancer returned. 

I got to know about a well-known oncologist from one of my friends and consulted him for my cancer recurrence treatment. "Unfortunately, the majority of individuals treated for appendiceal cancer have a recurrence," said the surgical oncologist in Kolkata, who treated me during my recurrence.





My oncologist explained to me that people with low-grade cancer have a lower chance of recurrence and it takes longer for their cancer to return. Many people with intermediate-grade cancer like me and almost all people with high-grade cancer have a recurrence."


When I first found out that cancer had returned, I was scared and devastated. It felt like everything was over. It was almost as devastating as the initial diagnosis because, after all that therapy, I seemed to be right back at where I started. The comfort came when I spoke with the best oncologist in Kolkata and found out that I had options.


Not everyone is an ideal candidate for additional surgery. I, however, was eligible for it. After discussing it with the oncologist, I decided to go forward with the surgery. It has been nearly two years since the additional surgery for the recurrence and I am still showing no signs of the disease.


I don't look at the recurrence as a failure. I was afraid that my kids wouldn't have any memory of me. But treatment has given me two years with them that I didn't think I would have. I am hopeful that the additional surgery and chemotherapy have finished off whatever cancer was left.

Holding on to hope

It has been two years since my additional surgery. I receive a scan every four to five months to check for another recurrence. I am okay now and living a normal life. But life doesn't stay the same after a cancer diagnosis.

Cancer changes your perspective. You look at things differently and your preferences shift. That's one of the causes I looked for a new job that is less challenging and offers me the chance to spend more time with my loved ones.

It's not the end of the road for me. I want everyone to know that there is hope and I will always be thankful to the best oncologist in Kolkata for showing it to me.

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